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appnotes:pxelinux_tftp_to_http_migration: 5 Hits
est way around the issue was to increase the gPXE banner timeout in //src/config/general.h// to 10 seconds and reb... * Timer configuration * */ #define BANNER_TIMEOUT 100 /* Tenths of a second for which the shell banner should appear */
appnotes:gpxeonqemu091: 3 Hits
9_message_dots: .asciz "..." </code> The BANNER_TIMEOUT value in gpxe-1.0.0/src/config/general.h may also
soc:2011:meteger:journal:week12: 2 Hits
3_init_one() from tg3_open(). This results in the BANNER_TIMEOUT being used for auto negotiation, which should sav


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