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dnsmasq [2009/06/09 16:32]
dnsmasq [2010/04/28 15:45] (current)
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 forces "​simple and safe" behaviour to avoid problems in such a case. forces "​simple and safe" behaviour to avoid problems in such a case.
 </​code>​ </​code>​
 +===== Under OpenWRT =====
 +[[http://​www.openwrt.org|OpenWRT]] is a replacement for factory firmware commonly found in wireless routers. ​ dnsmasq is configured a bit differently when you use OpenWRT. ​ Use these commands to set the dhcp-supplied filename. ​ This eventually gets passed as the --dhcp-boot command-line option to dnsmasq. ​ But, this way, it is saved in the router'​s flash and will get saved/​restored with the rest of the system'​s configuration.
 +  uci set dhcp.@dnsmasq[0].dhcp_boot=http://​​gpxe-dir/​script-name,​
 +  uci commit dhcp


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