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burningroms:willem [2009/04/20 13:09]
ghstwlf forth alpha
burningroms:willem [2009/04/20 14:05] (current)
ghstwlf Fifth Alpha - Adding pictures.
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 "In this tutorial I will be using the folder **EPROM** under my home directory to setup wine in" --- //​[[wiki:​user:​ghstwlf|Pär Moberg]]// "In this tutorial I will be using the folder **EPROM** under my home directory to setup wine in" --- //​[[wiki:​user:​ghstwlf|Pär Moberg]]//
 +**Warning:​** treat everything you have to type inside this tutorial as case-sensitive. 
 First make a folder and go to it in a terminal window\\ First make a folder and go to it in a terminal window\\
 Now, to make Wine aware of that this is a prefix we need to export this directory to environment as WINEPREFIX\\ Now, to make Wine aware of that this is a prefix we need to export this directory to environment as WINEPREFIX\\
Line 42: Line 46:
 And to check that it worked\\ And to check that it worked\\
 ''​echo $WINEPREFIX''​\\ ''​echo $WINEPREFIX''​\\
-It should return the full path-name of your folder.\\+It should return the full path-name of your folder
 +Now lets populate this folder with some useful stuff.\\ 
 +This will fill the $WINEPREFIX-folder with a basic wine system.\\ 
 +Now you have started the wine configuration tool and only thing we have to do here is to change windows-version to Windows 98\\ 
 +''​wine regedit''​ 
 +Inside of the register editor add the ''​VDM''​ key and then the ''​ppdev''​ key inside it.\\ 
 +Add the Sting named ''​378''​ with the value ''/​dev/​parport0''​ (if /​dev/​parport0 is your parallel port) 
 +if you export ''​ppdev''​ using the register editor, the contents of the file should look something like this:\\ 
 +Now download/​copy your programmer software to $WINEPREFIX-folder and extract it if necessary. 


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