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andytim_todo [2009/03/24 20:58]
andytim created
andytim_todo [2009/08/12 16:17] (current)
sha0 Status Update
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-  * Work 16 hours per day every week-day ​8-O +  * Work hours per day every week-day 
-  * NASM NSIS script+  * <del>NASM NSIS script</​del>​
   * XP-via-SMB AppNote   * XP-via-SMB AppNote
   * XP Pivot_Root Driver/"​Native"​ .EXE   * XP Pivot_Root Driver/"​Native"​ .EXE
   * XP "​Fall-through"​ filesystem filter   * XP "​Fall-through"​ filesystem filter
-  * Port Ubuntu initrd for HTTPFS FUSE connection to public filesystem.squashfs+  * <del>Port Ubuntu initrd for HTTPFS FUSE connection to public filesystem.squashfs</​del>​ (GSoC project, not mine)
   * memdisk mapping   * memdisk mapping
-  * memdisk El Torito (.ISO-boot)+  * <del>memdisk El Torito (.ISO-boot)</​del>​
   * gPXE iSCSI & AoE code for floppy and ODD media   * gPXE iSCSI & AoE code for floppy and ODD media
-  * gPXE (or maybe general) compact scripting language system +  * <del>gPXE (or maybe general) compact scripting language system</​del>​ (GSoC project, not mine) 
-  * Finish gPXE cmdline+initrd code+  * <del>Finish gPXE cmdline+initrd code</​del>​ (Maybe a bit more work)
   * Grow some NASM skills by fixing NASM bugs   * Grow some NASM skills by fixing NASM bugs
   * Single-instance file store logic for various FSs   * Single-instance file store logic for various FSs


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