====== Michael Decker: Driver Development ====== ===== Notes ===== ==== Build Environment ==== Consists of three machines: A target client, a development server, and a desktop. //Last update: August 18, 2008// * Test client - This machine tests gPXE * Custom desktop PC: 2 GHz Core2 / 2 GiB RAM * A test NIC installed, with many on stand-by. * No hard-disk, only PXE installed in on-board NIC. * Desktop - I write code here * Custom desktop PC: 1.8 GHz Core2 / 2 GiB RAM * Windows XP Pro x64 * [[http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/|putty]] 0.60 * [[http://www.codeblocks.org/|Code::Blocks IDE]] or MSVC 2005 (depending on my needs) w/ samba file access * Winamp for tunes ;) * Development server - Source tree built here{{ :soc:2008:mdeck:server.jpg}} * Laptop: 1.5 GHz Pentium-M / 512 MiB RAM * Ubuntu 8.04 w/ 2.6.24-16.30 kernel * gcc 4.2.3-2ubuntu7 * libc6-dev 2.7-10ubuntu3 * mtools 3.9.11-0ubuntu1 * syslinux 2:3.53-1ubuntu2 * gitk 1: * vblade 14-1ubuntu1 * dhcp3-server 3.0.6.dfsg-1ubuntu9 * tftpd-hpa 0.48-1ubuntu1 * apache2 2.2.8-1 * iscsitarget 0.4.15-5ubuntu2 * wireshark 1.0.0-1 ==== Reference Links ==== * [[http://code.google.com/soc/2008/etherboot/appinfo.html?csaid=607289E796D6ABA3|GSoC Application Information]] * [[dev:netdriverapi|Deprecated Etherboot Network Driver API Documentation]] * [[soc:2008:mdeck:notes:gpxe_driver_api|gPXE Network Driver API Documentation]]