I got my Gigabit Intel NICs today.<br><br>I followed the instructions on the wiki for flashing gPXE to the NIC's ROM. Worked like a charm.<br><br>CTRL-B<br><br>dhcp net0<br><br><br>Perfect!<br><br>sanboot iscsi:<br>
<br>...Input/Output Error. Same thing I was getting with the Broadcom BCM4401, but without the weird driver usage anomaly.<br><br>If I mis-spell it intentionally, it tells me the target doesn't exist. So the Input/Output error seems to imply that it is communicating, merely refusing to use it.<br>
<br>I tried pxebs. It always tells me the server type is invalid.<br><br>However, in Windows XP, I can fire up my Microsoft iSCSI Initiator, connect, format, and use this iSCSI drive just fine. Flawless functionality.<br>
<br>I'm about to conclude that gPXE is an utterly failed project that simply doesn't work.<br><br>I tried just firing up the Windows 7 Ultimate x86/x64 Intall DVD, becasue I have read all over the interwebz that it supports iSCSI; this is apparently not true. There is no option for iSCSI discovery.<br>
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