Hello all,<br> I try to boot gpxe's iSCSIboot from my PXE server and it works. But now i would like to pass iscsi target's parameters dynamically when i select the "gpxe boot" item from my pxe menu. This means that i hope to get selective iSCSI target by using my PXE server menu script. I tried passing parameters appending to gpxe.krn (ex. <b>gpxe.krn iSCSI.target::MyiSCSIboot</b> ) but i can't get the parameter by modifing src\core\main.c. I think i get the wrong way. <br>
If i want to implement this function and what is the right way to start. ( maybe modify specific source files or use read-made features)<br><br><br>P.S. I tried using scripts file ( make EMBEDDED_IMAGES = MY_SCRIPTS_FILE bin/gpxe.iso ) but i think it is not a good idea and i can not get success.<br>
<br><br>beast regards<br>Hayes<br>