[gPXE] Nature of EFI aspect of gPXE?

Jarrod Johnson jarrod.b.johnson+gpxe at gmail.com
Mon May 24 09:20:58 EDT 2010

On another note, has anyone tried/sucessfully done gPXE efi in OVMF for qemu
experimentation?  I tried and it just locks up.

On Sun, May 23, 2010 at 2:44 PM, Michael Brown <mbrown at fensystems.co.uk>wrote:

> On Sunday 23 May 2010 03:15:51 Glenn Brown wrote:
> > What interface is supported by .efidrv?  EFI device
> > drivers can interface via the Simple Network Protocol (SNP) interface or
> > the UNDI32/64 (Undi) interface.  Does gPXE use one of these 'standard'
> > interfaces?
> SNP.
> > Does .efidrv reside above or below the EFI device driver interface?
> > That is, is it a way to provide a device driver to be used by EFI
> > clients, or is a shim to interface a gPXE boot stack over an underlying
> > EFI driver?  That is, is it a provider or consumer of the interface?
> .efidrv/.efirom provides an SNP interface that other EFI clients can use.
> .efi provides an EFI application that looks like regular BIOS-based gPXE.
> > Does gPXE support EFI-1.1 (Mac) or UEFI-2.0 (everyone else) or both?
> > Under what circumstances is each supported.
> Written to UEFI-2.0, but I believe it does work on a Mac.
> > What services are provide by the .efirom?  Is it just a PCI expansion
> > ROM holding the EFI driver?  Something more?  Something else?
> Yes; .efirom is just the .efidrv binary packaged as an expansion ROM (using
> util/efirom.c).
> > What interface does the .efi application layer itself over?
> It doesn't (at present) layer over any underlying network interface (either
> SNP or UNDI).  The .efi application exists mainly as an initial bootstrap
> for
> getting gPXE EFI support working; the ultimate target was the
> .efidrv/.efirom
> format.
> That said, it would potentially be useful to add a driver that can utilise
> an
> underlying SNP interface.
> Michael
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