[gPXE] Fwd: Re:Re: why?username and password is right , but can't boot?

Marty Connor mdc at etherboot.org
Wed Mar 17 00:58:08 EDT 2010

Forwarding.  Perhaps this will be helpful in debugging this issue.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re:Re: [gPXE] why?username and password is right ,but can't boot?
Date: Wed, 17 Mar 2010 09:43:12 +0800 (CST)
From: lsq726 <lsq726 at 163.com>
To: Marty Connor <mdc at etherboot.org>


在2010-03-17 09:17:06,"Marty Connor" <mdc at etherboot.org> 写道:
>lsq726 wrote on 3/16/10 8:30 PM:
>> why?username and password is right ,but can't boot?
>> please see photo
>I also notice that you are getting a _lot_ of RXE (Receive Errors)
>It looks a lot like you may have some sort of network configuration error.
>And could you turn on CONSOLE_SERIAL and paste text instead of sending 
>If your setup boots when if there is no password, then it could easily 
>be some arcane Windows security policy issue.
>Getting Windows to log in detail what it doesn't like and why it is 
>rejecting the connection will probably help a lot.  Perhaps the server 
>is even already logging and you just need to look into it.
>A quick web search suggests that there is lot of information out there 
>dealing with Windows iSCSI CHAP authentication on the server side.
>/ Marty /

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