[gPXE] localboot 0 hang on some machines

Arends, R.R. r.r.arends at hro.nl
Wed Mar 3 04:10:56 EST 2010

I had troubles with localboot 0 from a gpxelinux.0 menu on some machines aswel. 
Chain.c32 does work for me to boot from harddisk tho.

Using it as follows:

DEFAULT bootlocal

LABEL bootlocal
  MENU LABEL Boot from disk..
  KERNEL modules/chain.c32
  APPEND hd0 0


- reni

>>> On 3-3-2010 at 1:18, in message <20100303001513.M17991 at fast-serv.com>, "Randy
McAnally" <rsm at fast-serv.com> wrote:
> Butwhat about Syslinux 3.85?  It is 3.85 that includes changes to bothgPXE 
> and PXELINUX that seem to help with exiting processes, if Iunderstand 
> correctly.
> Unfortunately, gpxelinux.0 from any of the 3.8X and 4.0preX versions exhibit 
> the same hanging problem with localboot on many machines.  Only pxelinux.0 
> can reliably localboot.

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