[gPXE] gPXE 1.0.0-rc1 Test Report & Question

Neil Smith n5eil.neil at gmail.com
Tue Jan 26 18:26:03 EST 2010


If you boot into gPXE using the .iso , and run: dhcp net0 ,what is returned? 


On Jan 26, 2010, at 6:23 PM, Robert Boerner wrote:

> Hi Neil,
> That was fast :-)
> I am not receiving any error. It just seems as if no NIC is detected.
> Am I correct in assuming that when booting it should identify the NIC
> in the boot messages, and that when accessing the gPXE command line
> issuing an iftstat command should list all found interfaces? During
> the boot it simply states No more network devices. I tried ifstat and
> nothing was returned, and then tried an ifstat net0 (I believe the
> syntax was correct) and I get net0: no such interface.
> I tried both the floppy and .iso image downloads from the rom-omatic
> site referenced in the rc1 announcement. I thought about inputing the
> device and vendor IDs, but I am not trying to flash the ROM of the
> onboard NIC.
> One tidbit I left out earlier is that this 755 is running the latest
> BIOS from Dell, A15.
> Your success seems to indicate I am in fact doing something wrong....
> Thanks again for your help,
> Robert Boerner
> On Tue, Jan 26, 2010 at 2:12 PM, Neil Smith <n5eil.neil at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Robert,
>> Could you please explain in more detail what type of setup you are running, and what errors you are getting returned?
>> I have plenty of Dell Opti 755s running on my end, with no issues...
>> Regards,
>> Neil
>> On Jan 26, 2010, at 6:08 PM, Robert Boerner wrote:
>>> Hello all,
>>> I'm a bit of a newb in terms of gPXE, but after successfully setting
>>> up plain old PXE booting last week on a Marvell Sheevaplug, I wanted
>>> to dip my toes into new waters.
>>> I saw the release announcement on the soon to be retired Etherboot
>>> mailing list here:
>>> http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/message.php?msg_name=4B5F5EA3.3040505%40etherboot.org
>>> and tried to download a floppy image (including all NIC drivers) to
>>> test on my work desktop (a Dell Optiplex 755) with an Intel 82566DM-2
>>> Gigabit NIC identified with vendor ID 8086 and device ID 10bd.
>>> The floppy boots but does not seem to find a supported NIC. I googled
>>> a bit and found nothing relevant to gPXE, but I did find this bug in
>>> your bug tracker:
>>> http://support.etherboot.org/index.php?do=details&task_id=43
>>> Although not exactly the same device, am I correct in assuming that my
>>> NIC simply is not supported yet? Or did I simply do something wrong?
>>> Thanks in advance for any help, and thanks for the work you have done.
>>> Robert Boerner
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