[gPXE] etherboot and WDS

Shao Miller Shao.Miller at yrdsb.edu.on.ca
Fri Jan 15 18:22:44 EST 2010

Thanks for the detail, James.  If you are really stuck with Etherboot 
(rather than gPXE) in your situation, a few more questions might help.

- What is on a client screen at the point where you deem the process to 
have been a failure?
- If this is QEmu, are you aware that QEmu's built-in TFTP service is a 
bit picky about paths?  Perhaps this does not apply to your situation, 
but it's worth mentioning.
- Was your packet capture missing parts, such as the TFTP traffic?  Was 
the capture taken from the RIS/WDS server?
- You noted that Etherboot failed to offer an ARP response.  Do you 
achieve different results when you statically map the MAC to the IP for 
the client on the server?  You can use the 'arp -?' command in Windows 
to read about using 'arp -s' to assign such a mapping.

It looks like in your Etherboot scenario, that the client is simply 
trying all over again, hence the repeated file request.

Best of luck,

- Shao Miller

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