[gPXE] Dell T300 w/Broadcom chip: gpxe hangs during dhcp

Peter Scheie peter at scheie.homedns.org
Tue Feb 23 17:08:46 EST 2010

Stefan Hajnoczi wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 23, 2010 at 9:14 PM, Peter Scheie <peter at scheie.homedns.org> wrote:
>> Grrr. It was working: I booted the Dell multiple times with it, loading from
>> a flash drive.  Today, the day before I give a presentation on gpxe to all
>> the tech managers, I tried it again, and now it's failing with this output:
>> ...using driver undipci
>> UNDIROM 0x858c4 matched PCI 14e4:165a (00000000)
>> UNDI 0x589d4 loading UNDI ROM 0x858c4 to CS 93d4 DS 9007 for PCI 02:00.0
>> UNDI 0x859d4 loader failed: Error 0x000000c8
>> ...probe failed
> gPXE initializes a s_UNDI_LOADER struct and zeroes the PXENVptr/PXEptr
> fields.  According to the PXE spec these structures should be created
> or filled in by the UNDI loader function in the PXE ROM.
> I'd interpret this error to mean this particular UNDI implementation
> expects a valid PXEptr so it can fill in an existing !PXE structure in
> memory.  Normally the UNDI loader function works fine when we pass
> zero and it creates its own structure and fills it in.
> hpa, mcb30: Any ideas what is going on here?
> Are you sure the network cards/boot ROMs are the same as the ones you
> tested before?
> Stefan
Oh, I'm sure they're the same: They're onboard!  I didn't change anything in the 
BIOS setup, but I did look at it, FWIW.  There are two NICs; the first one is 
set to network boot with PXE and the other is set to just network boot.  I'm not 
sure how the second one work without PXE.  In any event, gpxe can't see either 
NIC (NIC is a bit of a misnomer because it's not a card; they're both built onto 
the mobo as mentioned).


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