[gPXE] Operating System Images to boot with gpxe

Marty Connor mdc at etherboot.org
Sat Feb 13 15:04:38 EST 2010


You probably didn't get a response because your question doesn't make a
lot of sense, and explaining to you what you don't seem to understand
could take a while :)

Here's an attempt:

gPXE will boot pretty much any Linux kernel and initrd, so asking where
to get one suggests that you don't understand what you are asking.

What I recommend is that you describe what it is you are trying to
accomplish, and let people suggest how you might accomplish it.

You could say, for example, that you are wanting to bring up a small
busybox based Linux environment, and you would like to know where you
could download a small kernel and ram-based filesystem that would give
you such an environment.

Then someone might suggest you look at:


For a simple (old) kernel and initrd and a gPXE script that you can boot
them with.

I hope this helps you find your way,

/ Marty /

On 2/13/10 2:57 PM, Milton Labanda wrote:
> Sorry
> Some one could tell me where i download images as linux kernel adn initrd
> root to boot
> with gPXE, i asked boot.kernel.org but they not response me.
> 2010/2/13, huse at muenster.de <wollems at muenster.de>:
>> Hi, is it possible to add a custom nic driver by myself ?
>> My Mainboard uses an Attansic 1L Network-Card, unfortunatly i found only a
>> driver for 1969:1026 (ATL1E) and not for my 1969:1048 (ATL1)...
>> Regards,
>> Wolfgang

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