[gPXE] Etherboot Project GSoC status update

Marty Connor mdc at etherboot.org
Sat Apr 10 16:24:17 EDT 2010

Hello Everyone,

For those who are interested in our Google Summer of Code progress, we 
are happy to report that we have received 29 proposals, which is quite a 
few more than the 21 we received last year.

We are also quite pleased with the quality of our applicant pool of 

We have sent all students who sent us a proposal an interview 
qualification exercise which they must complete successfully to be 
considered for an interview.

After IRC interviews are complete, we will select our top ranked students.

The selection process concludes on Wednesday, 21 April 2010, so we have 
a lot of candidates to consider in a relatively short period of time.

We'll keep you informed of how things are going, and will announce our 
GSoC students for this year as soon as we know who they are.

Thanks to everyone in our community for helping make this another 
successful GSoC engagement!

/ Marty /

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