[gPXE] Tip errors, need your help

lsq726 lsq726 at 163.com
Sun Apr 4 12:16:39 EDT 2010

   $ git clone git://git.etherboot.org/scm/gpxe.git
$ cd gpxe/
$ git remote add peper git://gitorious.org/gpxe-peper/gpxe-peper.git
$ git fetch peper
$ git checkout peper/base64
$ cd src
$ make
I used this method successfully.
Thanks for everyone's help to ask where to find gpxe.pxe?
How can build customised ?
For example:
How can generate undi of GPXE.PXE?
How can generate all-drivers of gpxe.pxe?
How to build for a particular NIC's gpxe.pxe?

在2010-04-04 23:41:19,"Piotr Jaroszyński" <p.jaroszynski at gmail.com> 写道:
>> tip:
>> error:unable to get pack file
>> http://github.com/peper/gpxe-peper.git/objects/pack-584377590961d8d1d87ca99560d22dae95be4fee.pack
>> transfer closed with 6174301 bytes remaining to read
>> error:unalbe to find 2739a3717816fb58d7a5d0bf8b8bbb267b0e3544 under
>> http://github.com/peper/gpxe-peper.git
>> cannot obtain needed object 2739a3717816fb58d7a5d0bf8b8bbb267b0e3544
>> fatal:fetch iailed.
>Hmm, strange, let's try something else instead:
>$ wget http://github.com/peper/gpxe-peper/zipball/base64
>$ unzip peper-gpxe-peper-2739a37.zip # 2739a37 might change in the
>future but you get the idea
>$ mv peper-gpxe-peper-2739a37 gpxe-base64
>$ cd gpxe-base64/src
>$ make
>Best Regards
>Piotr Jaroszyński
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