[gPXE-devel] [PATCH] [scriptlet] Add "scriptlet" NonVolatile Option (NVO) support.

Marty Connor mdc at etherboot.org
Tue Jun 29 14:58:17 EDT 2010

Hi Glenn,

This scriptlet NVO option seems useful.

I am intrigued by the use of "\n" to deal with our lack of quoting
support and multiple commands on a line.  Clever.

We're just about to release gPXE-1.0.1, but right after that I'd like to
get a thread going on scripting.

Shao Miller has sent quite a few interesting scripting patches, and the
main reason we haven't incorporated them is because scripting is a kind
of a change that, once done, becomes a user-visible thing we need to
support.  This in addition to keeping our code size down and maintainable.

I believe that with your and Shao's work and that of Lynus Vaz last
summer in GSoC, in addition to various other ideas on the lists and in
the support database we we are ready to have a productive conversation
about scripting and move things forward.  I'd like particularly to see
how this patch may affect stuff that Shao and others have in mind.

In terms of sponsorship, I support the idea of this patch, and would be
happy to sponsor it, but would like to get feedback from others
interested in this topic before moving forward.

I hope this is useful feedback.  I am sure there will be more, and I
appreciate the work you have put into this.

/ Marty /

On 6/29/10 2:17 PM, Glenn Brown wrote:
> Dear gPXE developers:
> The preceding patch adds a "scriptlet" NonVolatile Option for NICs with 
> NVO support.  Details are in the patch's commit message.
> Any feedback?
> Is anyone interested in sponsoring this patch?
> Thanks,
> --Glenn

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