[gPXE-devel] How to enable gpxe for serial debug?

Thomas Miletich thomas.miletich at gmail.com
Fri Jun 18 04:10:43 EDT 2010

to enable serial console support open the file src/config/console.h
and change the line
 //#define       CONSOLE_SERIAL
 #define       CONSOLE_SERIAL

CONSOLE_PCBIOS is already enabled by default for x86 build targets and
there's no need to enable it again in console.h.

The default settings are 115200 baud 8n1 on the first serial port(I/O
address 0x3f8). Most BIOSes allow changing the I/O address of the
serial ports. It's possible that your 'first' serial port now has the
I/O address of some other serial port and you have to adjust it's
value in the BIOS or in config/serial.h. Alternatively you could use
the serial port that as the I/O address 0x3f8 on your system.

If this is what you already tried, we would like to know more about
your setup(i.e. what serial cable did you use, did you use the right
baud rate, etc).


On Fri, Jun 18, 2010 at 9:57 AM, Sean Shoufu Luo <luoshoufu at gmail.com> wrote:
> I am newbie for gpxe, and intend to transfer from etherboot to gpxe ....
> In etherboot, I just configure src/Config, but I don't find any configure
> file under gpxe.
> I tried to uncomment CONSOL_PCBIOS, CONSOL_SERIAL in config/console.h, but
> it seems not work!
> I didn't find workable guide from wiki, anyone can give a brief instruction?
> Or paste a guide link?
> Another question:  how to enable DBG() to work? It seems a bit complex ...
> Yours sincerely,
> Sean
> --
> Face to sun
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