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wiki:qemupxe [2009/05/22 19:53]
wiki:qemupxe [2009/05/23 08:10] (current)
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   - pxe assumes that it is talking to //tftp// server and its request for file <​code>​tftp://​​gtest.gpxe</​code>​ will be mapped to ///​home/​myname/​pxe/​gtest.gpxe//​ file.   - pxe assumes that it is talking to //tftp// server and its request for file <​code>​tftp://​​gtest.gpxe</​code>​ will be mapped to ///​home/​myname/​pxe/​gtest.gpxe//​ file.
 +===== qemu with HTTP =====
 +For this test, all that you need to have is gpxe.dsk and following command should work without any problems.
 +qemu -fda gpxe.dsk -net nic -net user -bootp http://​etherboot.org/​gtest/​gtest.gpxe
 +I also created the copy of gtest on my own web server for testing purpose, and it worked with following command.
 +$ qemu -fda gpxe.dsk -net nic -net user -bootp http://​​gpxe/​gtest.gpxe

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