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todo [2009/08/10 12:42]
todo [2009/08/10 12:44] (current)
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-====== Etherboot Project ToDo List ====== +You probably want [[:​todo:​start|todo/​start]]
- +
-The purpose of this page is to put things we'd like to see done so they don't get lost. +
- +
-===== gPXE-related tasks ===== +
- +
-  * Audit the use of << and >> operators in the gPXE codebase. +
- +
-===== Documentation-related tasks ===== +
- +
- +
- +
-===== rom-o-matic.net-related tasks ===== +
- +
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- +
-===== Un-categorized tasks =====+

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