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soc:2010:cooldavid:journal:week11 [2010/08/07 03:48]
soc:2010:cooldavid:journal:week11 [2010/08/07 04:03] (current)
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 |           ​TAP| ​  ​36MB/​s| ​  ​7s| ​ 5243KB/​s| ​  ​50s| ​   495KB/​s| ​ 529s| |           ​TAP| ​  ​36MB/​s| ​  ​7s| ​ 5243KB/​s| ​  ​50s| ​   495KB/​s| ​ 529s|
-==== Port wscale branch against current gPXE master ​====+=== Port wscale branch against current gPXE master ===
 Recent TCP updates is a lot different from previous base of wscale branch. Recent TCP updates is a lot different from previous base of wscale branch.
 Still working on it. Still working on it.

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