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soc:2009:dverkamp:notes:windows_xp_iscsi [2009/06/08 13:05]
soc:2009:dverkamp:notes:windows_xp_iscsi [2009/06/12 15:46] (current)
Line 97: Line 97:
   #!gpxe   #!gpxe
-  ​set root-path ​iscsi:​my.target.dns.name::::​iqn.2000-01.test.etherboot.org:​iscsiboot.xp +  ​sanboot ​iscsi:​my.target.dns.name::::​iqn.2000-01.test.etherboot.org:​iscsiboot.xp
-  autoboot +
 (where my.target.dns.name is the DNS name or IP of the machine running the iSCSI target) (where my.target.dns.name is the DNS name or IP of the machine running the iSCSI target)
 Windows should boot to the desktop. Windows should boot to the desktop.

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