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soc:2009:dverkamp:notes:windows_xp_iscsi [2009/06/08 13:00]
soc:2009:dverkamp:notes:windows_xp_iscsi [2009/06/12 15:46] (current)
Line 97: Line 97:
   #!gpxe   #!gpxe
-  ​set root-path ​iscsi:​my.target.dns.name::::​iqn.2007-08.name.dns.target.my:iscsiboot +  ​sanboot ​iscsi:​my.target.dns.name::::​iqn.2000-01.test.etherboot.org:iscsiboot.xp
-  autoboot+
-Windows should boot and +(where my.target.dns.name is the DNS name or IP of the machine running the iSCSI target) 
 +Windows should boot to the desktop. 

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