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soc:2008:stefanha:journal:week8 [2008/07/15 07:13]
soc:2008:stefanha:journal:week8 [2009/03/07 09:20] (current)
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 ====== Stefan Hajnoczi: GDB Remote Debugging ====== ====== Stefan Hajnoczi: GDB Remote Debugging ======
-===== Week =====+===== Week =====
 **Milestones:​** **Milestones:​**
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 ==== Tue Jul 15 ==== ==== Tue Jul 15 ====
-Sent the ''​e820mangler.S''​ patch for full clipping into fragments for review today I am currently working on ''​gpxelinux.0''​ merge work.+Git commit: 
 +  * [[http://​git.etherboot.org/?​p=people/​stefanha/​gpxe.git;​a=commit;​h=b370b8791c1b99a143a8b915170fac0b184f35b3|[prefix] kkpxe prefix for keep UNDI, return-to-PXE images]]
-Next steps: +Sent the ''​e820mangler.S''​ patch for full clipping into fragments for review today. 
-  * [uhmallocKill this patchuse ''​malloc'' ​allocator instead for DMA buffers+ 
-  ​* ​[DMADMA pool API so drivers ​can reserve DMA buffers on ''​open()''​. +**Created ''​.kkpxe''​ image type** for PXE images that keep PXE+UNDI loaded and return to PXE (instead of int 18h).  ​[[http://​etherboot.org/​share/​stefanha/​gpxelinux.kkpxe|Here]] is a ''​gpxelinux.0''​ image built from ''​undionly.kkpxe''​. 
-  ​[b44Cleanuptestingperformance+ 
-  * [bzImageExpand ​the heap size to the full 64K segment ​when loading ​bzImage kernel ​with version ​2.02 or higher+==== Wed Jul 16 ==== 
-  * [GDBReal-mode remote debugging.+**Sent gpxelinux merge patches for review**. ​ I spent some time this week working on fine-grained ''​shutdown()''​ so that gPXE can free resources appropriately. ​ HoweverI believe that this work is independent of the gpxelinux merge and our priority is to get gpxelinux merged. ​ Therefore, I have submitted the gpxelinux patches now, without fine-grained ​''​shutdown()''​. 
 +==== Thur Jul 17 ==== 
 +Git commit: ​[[http://​git.etherboot.org/?​p=people/​stefanha/​gpxe.git;​a=commit;​h=0d15b1612bb1258c2cdccc7a106f94a5bb02bd88|[imageMultiple embedded images and no hardcoded DHCP]] 
 +Users who want a static IP address instead of DHCP find they need to edit 
 +the source to remove hardcoded DHCP.  They can then use the ''​EMBEDDED_IMAGE''​ 
 +build option to include a gPXE script that configures their static network 
 +settings inside the gPXE binary. 
 +Since editing the source is inflexible, there is a discussion to change gPXE'​s 
 +behavior to something more general than hardcoded DHCP.  The new policy would 
 +skip DHCP for embedded images since they likely want to set up network settings 
 +While this solves the problem for embedded gPXE scripts which do their own 
 +network configuration,​ it breaks when ''​pxelinux.0''​ is embedded inside gPXE. 
 +PXELINUX expects the network interface to be (auto-)configured. 
 +I think the most general way to solve this dilemma is by allowing multiple 
 +embedded images and making gPXE //always// boot from an embedded image. ​ Even 
 +when you build without explicit ​''​EMBEDDED_IMAGE''​ settings, a default gPXE 
 +script is built in
 +Anyway, I have created a ''​multiembed''​ branch with these features implemented. 
 +I think most of this solution has already been thought about by hpa, mcb30, and 
 +mdc.  I just wanted to code something last night; hope this is a step in the 
 +right direction. 
 +//Update: removed detailed description since the reworked patch changes things 
 +slightly//​. ​ See [[.:​week8#​sat_19_2008|newer entry]]. 
 +==== Fri 18 2008 ==== 
 +**Back to the b44 driver**I have removed uhmalloc and am using malloc'​s allocator instead. ​ Once this reworking is completeI can move up to the DMA mapping API to support DMA pools. ​ Then I will send these patches for review and merge before sending the actual b44 driver. 
 +**Sent cleaned up gpxelinux merge patch** for mainline review. 
 +==== Sat 19 2008 ==== 
 +Git commits: 
 +  * [[http://​git.etherboot.org/?​p=people/​stefanha/​gpxe.git;​a=commit;​h=26b0197cb63725a58f596bf279d4e37e6862b5c2|[imageMake dependencies for EMBEDDED_IMAGE]] 
 +  * [[http://​git.etherboot.org/?​p=people/​stefanha/​gpxe.git;​a=commit;​h=16dc7dddc05ef292dcda3f4c67632ef911eb984c|[image] Clean up embedded image support]] 
 +**Reworked multiembed patch**. ​ The following text documents ​the user-visible changes: 
 +=== Embedded images === 
 +gPXE normally fetches images over the network using TFTP, HTTP, iSCSI, or other network protocols. ​ It is also possible ​to //embed// an image file inside gPXE and make it available without fetching over the network. 
 +By embedding gPXE scripts, you can customize gPXE's behavior before its first network access. ​ For example, static network configuration can be done by embedding a gPXE script. 
 +Images are embedded ​when building gPXE with ''​make'':​ 
 +$ make EMBEDDED_IMAGE=../​contrib/​scripts/​static.gpxe 
 +This builds ​gPXE image which executes the ''​static.gpxe''​ script on startup. ​ The ''​static.gpxe''​ sample script works with QEMU's user network stack: 
 +ifopen net0 
 +set net0/ip 
 +set net0/​netmask 
 +set net0/​gateway 
 +set net0/dns 
 +kernel http://​etherboot.org/​gtest/​gtest.gpxe 
 +Multiple images can be embedded: 
 +$ make EMBEDDED_IMAGE=../​contrib/​scripts/​gpxelinux.gpxe,/​usr/​lib/​syslinux/​pxelinux.0 
 +This builds a gPXE image which executes the ''​gpxelinux.gpxe''​ script on startup. ​ The ''​gpxelinux.gpxe''​ script performs DHCP before loading the embedded ''​pxelinux.0''​ image and executing it: 
 +dhcp net0 
 +imgload img1 
 +Why did we write ''​imgload img1''​ and not ''​imgload pxelinux.0''? ​ Embedded images are automatically named ''​img#''​ starting from ''​img0''​. ​ They do not retain their original filenames. ​ For example: 
 +$ make EMBEDDED_IMAGE=first.gpxe,​second.gpxe,​third.gpxe 
 +                      ^ img0     ^ img1      ^ img2 
 +Also, notice that we had to use ''​imgload''​ before doing ''​boot''​. ​ This is because embedded images are not automatically loaded for booting. ​ They are simply available as if they had been fetched using ''​imgfetch''​. 
 +The full behavior is described as follows. ​ When gPXE starts, it does the equivalent of ''​imgfetch''​ for every embedded image and assigns them names starting with ''​img0''​ for the first image. ​ Then it loads and boots the first image (''​img0''​). ​ If booting ''​img0''​ fails, it <​del>​removes all embedded images and</​del>​ gives up. 
 +**This paragraph does not apply to the multiembed code in gPXE mainline**. ​ It's interesting to note that gPXE //always// embeds an image, even if you do not give it one.  By specifying an embedded image, you are overriding the default embedded image. ​ The default embedded image is a script that tries DHCP booting from each network interface in turn: 
 +**Limitations of my patch**: 
 +  * The semantics of replacing ''​autoboot()''​ with embedded images are not 100% compatible with past gPXE behavior. ​ The autoboot process will bring up each network interface in turn using DHCP and attempt to run the embedded image or fetch a file from the network. ​ Now, embedded images run only once and without any network interface being up or configured. 
 +===== Next week ===== 
 +On to [[.:​week9|Week 9]].

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