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 ===== Introduction ===== ===== Introduction =====
-//​sanbootconf//​ is the Windows SAN Boot Configurator. ​ It is a boot-time driver that configures your NIC and instructs ​the boot-capable Microsoft ​iSCSI Initiator to perform an iSCSI boot.  It is designed to be a drop-in replacement for Microsoft'​s //​iscsibp.sys//​.+//​sanbootconf//​ is the Windows SAN Boot Configurator. ​ It allows you to boot Windows XP over the network using iSCSI.
-If you are trying to boot Windows XP via iSCSI, then you will need to use //​sanbootconf//,​ since //​iscsibp.sys//​ requires Windows Server 2003 or later.+//​sanbootconf//​ is implemented as a boot-time driver that configures your NIC and instructs the boot-capable Microsoft iSCSI Initiator to perform an iSCSI boot.  It is designed to be a drop-in replacement for Microsoft'​s //​iscsibp.sys//​.  ​If you are trying to boot Windows XP via iSCSI, then you will need to use //​sanbootconf//,​ since //​iscsibp.sys//​ requires Windows Server 2003 or later.
 ===== Downloading ===== ===== Downloading =====

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