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elf-ebi-initramfs-lnxi-howto:the_kernel:the_kernel_2 [2009/04/29 14:02]
elf-ebi-initramfs-lnxi-howto:the_kernel:the_kernel_2 [2009/04/29 14:02] (current)
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 You will need motherboard specific modules, for the computer you will be booting. ​ An easy way to get a list is to boot a gentoo install cd, or another system that you trust. ​ Once in the shell, get a list of loaded modules. ( lsmod )  Write down the list in use.  Then deselect any modules you do not need, making sure you have selected the modules that you do need.  ​ You will need motherboard specific modules, for the computer you will be booting. ​ An easy way to get a list is to boot a gentoo install cd, or another system that you trust. ​ Once in the shell, get a list of loaded modules. ( lsmod )  Write down the list in use.  Then deselect any modules you do not need, making sure you have selected the modules that you do need.  ​
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