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elf-ebi-initramfs-lnxi-howto:the_kernel:the_kernel_2 [2009/04/29 13:57]
elf-ebi-initramfs-lnxi-howto:the_kernel:the_kernel_2 [2009/04/29 14:02] (current)
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 Compiling the ext2 and ext3 file systems into the kernel, rather than modules makes sense for now.  I am uncertain if one could ever compile ext2 as a module and still boot due to the initramfs.\\ Compiling the ext2 and ext3 file systems into the kernel, rather than modules makes sense for now.  I am uncertain if one could ever compile ext2 as a module and still boot due to the initramfs.\\
 The above options are not the only thing you will need to get your nodes up and booting.\\ The above options are not the only thing you will need to get your nodes up and booting.\\
-You will need motherboard specific modules, for the computer you will be booting. ​ An easy way to get a list is to boot a gentoo install cd, or another system that you trust. ​ Once in the shell, get a list of loaded modules. ( lsmod )  Write down the list in use.  Then deselect any modules you do not need, making sure you have selected the modules that you do need.  ​I will also be selecting the EDAC modules for my kernel, as I need them for error checking.\\ +You will need motherboard specific modules, for the computer you will be booting. ​ An easy way to get a list is to boot a gentoo install cd, or another system that you trust. ​ Once in the shell, get a list of loaded modules. ( lsmod )  Write down the list in use.  Then deselect any modules you do not need, making sure you have selected the modules that you do need.  ​
- +
-Under "​Device drivers -->​EDAC"​ : +
- +
-  --- EDAC - error detection and reporting (EXPERIMENTAL) ​                                                   │ │   +
-       *** Reporting subsystems ***                                                                         │ │   +
-  [ ]   ​Debugging ​                                                                                           │ │   +
-  <​*> ​  Main Memory EDAC (Error Detection And Correction) reporting ​                                         │ │   +
-  <​M> ​    AMD 76x (760, 762, 768)                                                                            │ │   +
-  <​M> ​    Intel e7xxx (e7205, e7500, e7501, e7505) ​                                                          │ │   +
-  <​M> ​    Intel e752x (e7520, e7525, e7320) and 3100                                                         │ │   +
-  <​M> ​    Intel 82875p (D82875P, E7210) ​                                                                     │ │   +
-  <​M> ​    Intel 82975x (D82975x) ​                                                                            │ │   +
-  <​M> ​    Intel 3000/​3010 ​                                                                                   │ │   +
-  <​M> ​    Intel 82860                                                                                        │ │   +
-  <​M> ​    ​Radisys 82600 embedded chipset ​                                                                    │ │   +
-  <​M> ​    Intel Greencreek/​Blackford chipset ​                                                                │ │   +
-  <​M> ​    Intel San Clemente MCH         +
- +
-For this document, I need the MPTSAS sas drivers, TG3 network card,  +
- +
-  make +
-  make modules_install+
 +[[elf-ebi-initramfs-lnxi-howto/​the_kernel/​the_kernel_3 | Next]]

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