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commerciallinks [2006/08/16 09:00]
commerciallinks [2007/11/07 13:06] (current)
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-====== Commercial ​links ======+====== Commercial ​Links ====== 
 +This listing is provided only as a service to help users locate providers and does not constitute endorsement of the services or products by the Etherboot project. ​
-**If you wish to be listed on this page, please contact [[mdc@etherboot.org|me]]. ​This listing is provided only as a service to help users locate providers ​and does not constitute endorsement of the services or products by the Etherboot project. ​Remember that Etherboot is under the GNU Public License. This means that if you distribute binaries, e.g. in the form of ROMs, you are required to provide the source to the recipient on request. Please read the file COPYING for the full licensebut in short if you have not modified the source, you can easily satisfy this requirement by providing a hyperlink to the download page of the Etherboot web site, and stating the version number that you are supplying. Note that distributing the Etherboot binary aggregated on a storage medium with other programs, e.g. as an extension BIOS in a BIOS chip, does not constitute linking with the other program and does not make that other program fall under the GPL. So if you distribute BIOSes, have no fear that distributing Etherboot this way will require distributing your BIOS under the GPL.**+If you wish to be listed on this page, please contact [[mdc@etherboot.org|me]]. ​ 
 +===== Licensing ​and Distribution ===== 
 +Remember that Etherboot is under the GNU Public License ​(GPL). This means that if you distribute binaries, e.g. in the form of ROMs, you are required to provide the source to the recipient on request. Please read the file COPYING for the full license butin shortif you have not modified the source, you can easily satisfy this requirement by providing a hyperlink to the download page of the Etherboot web site, and stating the version number that you are supplying. ​ 
 +Note that distributing the Etherboot binary aggregated on a storage medium with other programs, e.g. as an extension BIOS in a BIOS chip, does not constitute linking with the other program and does not make that other program fall under the GPL. So if you distribute BIOSes, have no fear that distributing Etherboot this way will require distributing your BIOS under the GPL.
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 +===== Etherboot Links =====
 +[[http://​www.fensystems.co.uk|Fen Systems Ltd]] offers custom development services for Etherboot.
 [[http://​linux-cd.com.ar|Linux-CD Argentina]] offers Etherboot PROMs and complete NICs with Etherboot PROMs. [[http://​linux-cd.com.ar|Linux-CD Argentina]] offers Etherboot PROMs and complete NICs with Etherboot PROMs.
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 [[http://​www.gplservice.fr|GPL Service]] in France says: Most of the work stations we use boot with etherboot (other use PXE) This is surely the easiest way to maintain a small office. We can provide support to install such configuration. [[http://​www.gplservice.fr|GPL Service]] in France says: Most of the work stations we use boot with etherboot (other use PXE) This is surely the easiest way to maintain a small office. We can provide support to install such configuration.
-[[http://​www.gknw.de|G&​uuml;​nter ​Knauf]] from Germany sells Etherboot PROMs.+[[http://​www.gknw.de|Günter ​Knauf]] from Germany sells Etherboot PROMs.
 [[http://​www.lug-marl.de/​kmLinuxTSE.html|Martin Herweg]] from Germany sells Etherboot PROMs and complete NICs with Etherboot PROMs. [[http://​www.lug-marl.de/​kmLinuxTSE.html|Martin Herweg]] from Germany sells Etherboot PROMs and complete NICs with Etherboot PROMs.
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 [[http://​www.proex-india.com|Proex Solutions Pvt. Ltd.]] of Pune, India, provides Linux solutions with Diskless Linux Boxes and Network Cards for Corporates, NGOs, and Schools. [[http://​www.proex-india.com|Proex Solutions Pvt. Ltd.]] of Pune, India, provides Linux solutions with Diskless Linux Boxes and Network Cards for Corporates, NGOs, and Schools.
-[[http://​www.codot.net|Audax]] ​provides ​thin client workstations and boot ROMs based upon Etherboot. ​They can build thin clients with bootable LAN cards or just supply the LAN card with ROM.+[[http://​www.asql.co.uk|Audax]] ​in UK supplies ​thin client workstations and boot ROMs based upon Etherboot. ​We build thin clients with bootable LAN cards or just supply the LAN card with ROM.
 [[http://​www.inprimis.com/​|Inprimis Technologies]] is a contract engineering house that specialises in set-top boxes. They use Etherboot in-house. [[http://​www.inprimis.com/​|Inprimis Technologies]] is a contract engineering house that specialises in set-top boxes. They use Etherboot in-house.
 [[http://​www.linuxpertsystems.com/​|LinuXpert Systems]] provides Linux diskless workstation solutions based on Linux Terminal Server Project (LTSP) and using Etherboot PROMs under the GPL to Corporations,​ Academic Institutions,​ and NGOs. [[http://​www.linuxpertsystems.com/​|LinuXpert Systems]] provides Linux diskless workstation solutions based on Linux Terminal Server Project (LTSP) and using Etherboot PROMs under the GPL to Corporations,​ Academic Institutions,​ and NGOs.
-[[mailto:​spudATairmail.net|Jon de Mesquita]] offers to burn EPROMs for people in the Dallas area as time permits. 
 [[http://​www.boox.co.yu|Boox computers]] in Yugoslavia sell diskless workstations that use Etherboot. [[http://​www.boox.co.yu|Boox computers]] in Yugoslavia sell diskless workstations that use Etherboot.
 [[http://​www.acpthinclient.com/​|Automated Control Products]] use Etherboot in their thin client factory automation products. [[http://​www.acpthinclient.com/​|Automated Control Products]] use Etherboot in their thin client factory automation products.
-[[http://​www.willem.org/​|One supplier of a kit for an EPROM programmer.]] 
 [[http://​www.bootix.com/​|Bootix]] make commercial TCP/IP boot ROMs. [[http://​www.bootix.com/​|Bootix]] make commercial TCP/IP boot ROMs.
-[[http://​support.3com.com/​infodeli/​tools/​nic/​mba.htm|3Com ​MBA Utility Disks and Flash Upgrades]]+ 
 +===== General ROM/Booting Links ===== 
 +[[http://​www.willem.org/​|willem.org]] is a supplier of a kit for an EPROM programmer. 
 +[[mailto:​spudATairmail.net|Jon de Mesquita]] offers to burn EPROMs for people in the Dallas area as time permits. 
 +[[http://​support.3com.com/​infodeli/​tools/​nic/​mba.htm|3Com]] provides ​MBA Utility Disks and Flash Upgrades 

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