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commandline [2010/01/30 06:57]
commandline [2010/02/16 08:24] (current)
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 **imgfree [image name]** Free one or all executable/​loadable images. **imgfree [image name]** Free one or all executable/​loadable images.
 +**imgstat** ​ List images currently held in memory.
 **kernel [-n|--name <image name>] <​filename>​ [arguments]** Fetch and load a bzImage format Linux kernel. ​ Equivalent to an **imgfetch** followed by **imgload**. **kernel [-n|--name <image name>] <​filename>​ [arguments]** Fetch and load a bzImage format Linux kernel. ​ Equivalent to an **imgfetch** followed by **imgload**.

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