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burningroms [2006/06/25 06:57]
stockholm created, using info from the old wiki
burningroms [2009/04/19 13:36] (current)
ghstwlf adding sub headers to the burning section
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 Hopefully the most common questions/​problems are covered here. Feel free to ask on the mailing list if you run into problems. Hopefully the most common questions/​problems are covered here. Feel free to ask on the mailing list if you run into problems.
 +==== Special ways of burning ROMs ====
 +If you are looking for a way to program ​ EEPROMs ...
 +=== CT-flasher ===
 +...this is a nice sourceforge project, which may interest you:
 +The aim of this project is to use different kinds
 +of alternative EEPROM programming devices in Linux like:
 +  * IDE port (IDE-flash)
 +  * network devices (Intel, VIA, Realtek, etc...)
 +  * ISA cards (CT-flasher)
 +=== Willem ===
 +...or this programmer: [[http://​www.willem.org/​]]
 +It is available as already built and tested, kit or [[http://​www.willem.org/​Joomla/​index.php?​option=com_content&​task=view&​id=45&​Itemid=75|single sided PCB]] for the true hobbyists out there.\\
 +the programmer software is for windows but is [[http://​www.willem.org/​cgi-bin/​yabb22/​YaBB.pl?​num=1144919305|wine compatible]].

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