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appnotes:port_winnt_sanboot [2009/12/22 14:05]
appnotes:port_winnt_sanboot [2009/12/22 15:26] (current)
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-====== Porting Windows XP to New Target Hardware via SAN-Booting ======+====== Porting Windows XP, Windows 7 and Windows 2008 to New Target Hardware via SAN-Booting ======
 ==== Introduction ==== ==== Introduction ====
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 Save the modified ''​**.REG**''​ with its ''​**Driver**''​ value deleted. ​ Close your editor. Save the modified ''​**.REG**''​ with its ''​**Driver**''​ value deleted. ​ Close your editor.
 +===Get a SYSTEM shell on Windows XP===
 Then run the following commands: Then run the following commands:
   C:\>time /t   C:\>time /t
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 but replace 16:55 with the 24-hour-format time for the very next minute according to the time.  This will schedule a command-line interface to open up that will have SYSTEM account privileges. ​ Please note that if you are using Remote Desktop to connect to computer model "​A",​ you must use the ''​**mstsc.exe /​console**''​ command-line for Remote Desktop, as the ''​**cmd**''​ window will only display that way. but replace 16:55 with the 24-hour-format time for the very next minute according to the time.  This will schedule a command-line interface to open up that will have SYSTEM account privileges. ​ Please note that if you are using Remote Desktop to connect to computer model "​A",​ you must use the ''​**mstsc.exe /​console**''​ command-line for Remote Desktop, as the ''​**cmd**''​ window will only display that way.
-A CLI will open with ''​**svchost**''​ in the title. ​ Close any running RegEdit (should you have one) and then run the following command from the ''​**svchost**''​ CLI:+A CLI will open with ''​**svchost**''​ in the title.  ​ 
 +===Get a SYSTEM shell on Windows 7 and 2008=== 
 +From: http://​blogs.technet.com/​askds/​archive/​2008/​10/​22/​getting-a-cmd-prompt-as-system-in-windows-vista-and-windows-server-2008.aspx 
 +  - Download [[http://​technet.microsoft.com/​en-us/​sysinternals/​bb897553.aspx|PSEXEC]] and unzip it to some folder 
 +  - Open a command prompt as Administrator (click Start, type CMD in the search field and press Ctrl-Shift-Enter) 
 +  - navigate to the folder where you just unpacked PSEXEC 
 +  - run 
 +  psexec -i -s -d cmd 
 +  - check whether you really are the SYSTEM user 
 +  whoami /user 
 +===Import REG file=== 
 +Close any running RegEdit (should you have one) and then run the following command from the ''​**svchost**''​ CLI:
   C:​\Windows\System32>​regedit   C:​\Windows\System32>​regedit
 RegEdit will start with the same SYSTEM account privileges. ​ Import the ''​**.REG**''​ file from wherever it is.  Since you are running as the SYSTEM account, don't expect your Desktop or My Documents directories to be the same as your regular account. ​ Close RegEdit. ​ Close the ''​**svchost**''​ CLI window. RegEdit will start with the same SYSTEM account privileges. ​ Import the ''​**.REG**''​ file from wherever it is.  Since you are running as the SYSTEM account, don't expect your Desktop or My Documents directories to be the same as your regular account. ​ Close RegEdit. ​ Close the ''​**svchost**''​ CLI window.

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