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appnotes:errors [2009/04/23 09:28]
appnotes:errors [2009/04/23 11:10] (current)
Line 92: Line 92:
 < / snip ><​br>​ < / snip ><​br>​
 <br> <br>
 +So I executed "vi common/​socket.c<​br>​
 +I added "#​include &​lt;​linux/​ipv6.h&​gt;"​ as stated. ​ I then exexcuted "​make"​.<​br>​
 [root@demo dhcp-4.1.0]#​ vi common/​socket.c <br> [root@demo dhcp-4.1.0]#​ vi common/​socket.c <br>
 [root@demo dhcp-4.1.0]#​ make   <​br>​ [root@demo dhcp-4.1.0]#​ make   <​br>​
Line 126: Line 129:
 make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1<br> make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1<br>
 make[1]: Leaving directory `/​scratch/​dhcp-4.1.0/​common'<​br>​ make[1]: Leaving directory `/​scratch/​dhcp-4.1.0/​common'<​br>​
 +As you can tell by now, this created a new problem.
 </​html>​ </​html>​

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