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aoebootprepdebianetch [2007/08/24 10:28]
bengen created
aoebootprepdebianetch [2007/09/30 04:21] (current)
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-====== Booting Debian from an ATA over Ethernet (AoE) target ====== +This page has been moved to [[sanboot:​debian_and_ubuntu]]
- +
-- Install the ''​aoetools''​ package and a kernel image that includes the ''​aoe''​ driver, ​ ''​linux-image-2.6.18-5-*''​ from etch will do fine. +
-- Copy the ''​scripts''​ and ''​hooks''​ subdirectories into +
-  ''/​etc/​initramfs-tools''​ +
- +
-`hooks/​aoetools'​ makes sure that the `aoe' kernel module and +
-/​sbin/​aoe-discover get added to the initial ramdisk. +
- +
-   ​`scripts/​local-top/​aoetools'​ will be copied to the ramdisk and be +
-   run at boot-time, before the root filesystem is mounted. If the +
-   root device string looks like an AoE target, It brings up all +
-   ​Ethernet interfaces that have been recognized by the kernel and +
-   sends the `aoe' driver looking for targets. +
- +
-3. Make sure that /​etc/​initramfs-tools/​initramfs.conf contains the +
-   ​line +
- +
-   ​BUSYBOX=y +
- +
-   so that Busybox is included in the initrd. +
- +
-4. Create or update /etc/fstab and /​boot/​grub/​menu.lst +
- +
-   ​Replace /dev/hd* or /dev/sd* entries in /etc/fstab with entries of +
-   the form +
- +
-   /​dev/​etherd/​eX.YpZ +
-    +
-   where X is the AoE shelf number, Y is the disk number, and Z is the +
-   ​partition number. +
- +
-   Grub should pass something like `root=/​dev/​etherd/​eX.YpZ' ​to the +
-   Linux kernel via its command line. +
- +
-5. Update the initial ramdisks. +
- +
-   # update-initramfs -u -k all +
- +
-6. Disconnect the hard drive in the client machine and boot it. +
- +
-   If the system should hang before the root device has been mounted, +
-   ​passing `break=mount'​ on the command line will spawn a shell before +
-   ​`scripts/​local-top/​aoetools'​ is run. This should allow for further +
-   ​debugging. +

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