If you do not have dedicated AoE target hardware, you will need to install the vblade package. Most distros seem to provide this package; if yours doesn't then you can download the source for the latest version from http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=130453&package_id=143790.
To add a disk image file as an AoE target, you need to add a single line to /etc/vblade.conf:
ethX N M /path/to/image/file.img
where ethX is the network device via which you want to serve the image, /path/to/image/file.img is the path to the disk image file, and N M is a unique AoE shelf:slot number within your network. (If this is the only AoE target disk you are setting up, just use 0 0.)
The AoE target name for this disk image is
where N and M are the shelf and slot numbers you specified in /etc/vblade.conf. For example, if your /etc/vblade.conf line reads
eth2 0 0 /var/lib/images/win2k3.img
then the AoE target name is
Make a note of this AoE target name. You are now ready to